
Our Pool Completion Process

Make Your Pool Dreams a Reality

We will help you every step of the way

Design & Proposal

First, we create a customized plan and proposal to best meet your needs and budget.

Permits & Approvals

We acquire permits needed for approval and help direct you on obtaining other permits required.

Layout & Excavation

Once plans are approved the constructions process may begin. We set forms and begin excavation.

Steel & Stub Out

The pool shell is reinforced with steel rebar and rough plumbing is immediately to follow.


Plumbing for each pool is designed to give the best filtration and circulation for crystal clear water.

Electrical & Gas

Electrical for pool lights and equipment will be ran, as well as gas lines to the pool heater or heaters.

Floor & Gunite

The wall of the pool consists of gunite (sand & cement) that is applied through a pressurized hose.

Tile & Coping

After the gunite phase you will decide on the decorative tiles for your pool based on your taste.

Deck Layout & Pour

The pool deck will reflect the theme of the project, and any stone/brick work will be completed.

Equipment Setup

An experienced installer will come to the site and plumb in all the filtration equipment.

Site Clean Up

As we are near project completion, all extraneous materials and waste will be removed from the site.

Finish & Enjoy

Finally, the pool interior is coated with your choice of materials, once completed water is added.

See how a pool could change your home!

Getting a new pool installed in your home isn’t nearly as hard as it might seem. Our team is ready to help you plan the best pool experience for your home.

Give Us a Call

What Are You Waiting For? Call Today!

Our team is ready to complete the perfect pool for you!


Call today to set up a free consultation so we can learn more about the area you have.


Our design process is easy and direct, allowing you to get the pool of your dream!


Our construction process is explained and laid out, so you know what to expect for your project.


Completion time is fast, weather permitting. Start today and enjoy your new pool ASAP!